Twitter is one of the major and greatest rising social networks. Twitter is a free app that lets you connect with people, express yourself, and find out the world.
Of course, it is a place where you get to know about your surroundings. You can tweet whatever is on your brain. You can follow celebrities and personalities, organization and discover what they have for you. Moreover, you will get updates and live scores about your favourite games like cricket, rugby, tennis, badminton and football.
Notifications come out on your phone’s notification tray when someone has retweeted, favourited your tweet or mentioned you. You can even set up notifications for specific accounts so you never miss a Tweet from important sources.
Like face book and Skype you can even send direct message to your friends through twitter. You can upload pictures through twitter, above all you can use twitter for the purpose of marketing. If you have a blog or website so you can promote it through twitter.
You can download twitter from the following link.
Click To Download