Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Download the word 2013 for your iphone from here. Word 2013 is Microsoft's newest word processor, part of the Office 2013. It boasts enhanced performance on the previous version, and more features. In word 2013, the ribbon interface is back that was introduced in Office 2007, but has been enhanced on.
Menu items have been moved around to make the most commonly-used features more easily reachable.The menu items in the ribbon have received aesthetic updates to make them more easily clear from one another.

There is also a 'Touch Mode,' making Word 2013 much more touch-friendly than previous versions. This mode is only available if you have a touch screen enabled computer. Buttons will become bigger, making it easier to select items.

The welcome screen has been redesigned to be more useful. You can see your recently-opened documents as well as a bunch of new templates. There is also a search box at the top where you can search for more templates online. This is extremely handy since Word 2013 doesn't include every type of format out of the box

Inserting pictures is much easier now as Word 2013 can pull in photos from your Flickr, Facebook, and SkyDrive accounts. Word 2013 also allows you to search for pictures under the Creative Commons license with Bing. There are also new guides to make placing and sizing images much easier within Word 2013.

PDF support is also much improved in Word 2013. PDFs will now open in Word as if they were Word documents. You can convert Word documents to PDF, which will retain the formatting you've done. Converting and opening PDFs in Word 2013 happen quickly.
Microsoft Word (iPhone) - Download - Microsoft Word 2013 


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